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PhoenixRising 02-24-2022 09:09 PM

The Vatican [OT] #68: B/C We can always lean on each other when we're feeling down.
W E L C O M E T O T H E 68TH T H R E A D
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L E T' S D I S C U S S W H A T E V E R
001. PhoenixRising
002. Make Them Laugh
003. BL.Arinna_1982
004. Jemima668

PhoenixRising 02-24-2022 09:10 PM

Okay, I'm reposting this from the previous thread. This is my reply to Jem. :)

OMG, Jem, why did you reply on the old thread when I said I was making a new one? :facepalm: :lol: And right when I started the new one? :thud: Okay, now I'm gonna have to repost your reply as well.


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105926947)
WOOOW.... :eek: :jaw_drop:

I will answer you soon... I've been feeling quite weak in recent weeks. :thud:

Yes, Arinna, I'm shocked too. :lmao:

I saw and I'm back! :daisy: :group_hug:
And I will answer :angel:, but I'm kinda exhausted by my mental health and by all these awful things that are happening right now in Ukraine! :bawl:

Hi, Jem! :hug: Glad to see you back! Don't worry, take all the time you need to reply. :hug:

I'm sorry you've been feeling so bad. :( And I know, I can't stand what's happening in Ukraine either. :bawl: I'm half Ukrainian. :(


Okay, Jem! Now I'm finally gonna reply to you. :blush: Forgive me for taking so long. :thud: It's not easy being a moderator.


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105774714)

Yep, Arinna's cat is adorable. :D :lol:

Oh, is that you? :wave: Hi there, Jem! :hug: It's so nice to see you! Aw, you do look as cute as that avatar! :D :hug:


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105542260)
Thanks! :love:

What the... :eek: :jaw_drop: :gone: Thanks! :lmao:

So here you have a reply: :D :P

You're welcome! :lol: And thanks! :hug:


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105542260)
Hi, Alex! :hug:
Yep, I feel a lot better! :bunny:

Yeah, probably yes. :D

Oh, really? Wow! xD
I will call it: "Alex' daily dose of information" ;) :lol:

Oh yes, it totally looked like Grim Reaper! xD

Hi, Jem! :wave: :hug: I'm glad you're feeling better.

Yep. :nod: I was keeping up with a lot of Hollywood stuff a lot better back then. :lol:

You're welcome. :) Yeah, or a Ringwraith. :lol:


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105542260)
Maybe soon it's gonna be on Polish Amazon Prime Video, I hope! :daisy:

Yep, you're right. :nod:
Even though I didn't grow up in 80s, I think I understand them a bit more than MÅ‚oda, she was born in 2003... So yeah. :lol:

I didn't mean to insult her. :blush:
In my defense, I would like to add that MJF looked VERY young at that time, so no wonder that almost everyone looked older than him... :lmao:

Yeah, you're right. :lol:

I hope so. I don't want you to have to wait for too long to see it.

Oh, really? :lol: That's awesome. :hug: I think it's funny that when I was growing up in the 80s, it was just the world that we all lived in, but today it's seen as almost a mythological time period. :lol:

Nah, you didn't. :lol: But yeah, MJF always looked very young. That's why he could play a high school teenager like Marty McFly when he was in his 20s. :lol:


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105542260)
Yep, I still have them! :D
Cushioned? Wow. :lol:

Yep! :D :lol:

Yeah, it was confusing at first. :lol:
Thanks! :hug:

I should watch this show from A to Z one day. :lol:

Yeah, I know, but at first somehow I read 1969... :lmao: :shrug:

You do? :) Awesome! I miss VHS and DVD. :lol: Yeah, the cushioned VHS cases were more for effect, I guess. :lol:

I remember the year you were born like it was yesterday. :lol: I went to see Batman that summer.

Well, I'm glad I could explain where the term shipping came from. :lol: I thought it was funny when I first read that article about the "relationshippers" for The X-Files back in 1997.

I hope you can watch it. :nod: I loved The X-Files in the 90s.

It's okay. :lol: I've made mistakes like that.


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105542260)
Yeah, you're probably right. If one of these shows from 60s will be available on Netflix, Amazon or HBO, then I will watch it! :D

Yeah... :(
I hope it's gonna be next year! ;) :lol:

I wasn't, but my family told me about their lives at 80s. :lol:
But I was born at 1989 and I had a pretty good fun with my toys! :lmao:

Oh, I see. :nod:
I heard about Spin City, but I've never seen it. But I want to!:bawl:

I hope you'll be able to, then! :nod: I hate that people are so dependent on these streaming services these days. You can only watch the stuff they let you watch. :no: They keep changing their libraries all the time.

Let's hope for next year! :nod:

Oh, they did? :) I hope they liked the 80s. :lol: Aw, I'm glad you had fun. :lol:

Another MJF show you haven't seen? :hug: I really hope you can watch that one too!


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105542260)
Yep, that's a totally different city! A better one. ;) :P
And indeed words Wroclaw and Warsaw look similar in English. :lol:

:D :D :D

You should watch it again! :D ;)

YAAAAAY! :bunny: :back_hug:

Oh, I see. Okay. :daisy:

Oh, okay. :) So your city is better than Warsaw?

I would watch The Hard Way if I could find it.

When I think of The Secret of My Success always reminds me of the 1980s. :bawl: I get nostalgic.

Yeah, pollen allergies aren't that bad. :lol:


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105542260)
I take pills and a nasal spray. I also take some asthma pills. :shrug:
Pulmonologist said that I may have asthma beginnings.
In addition, it turned out that the cough that tormented me for 3 months was caused by mycoplasma... !!! :eek:
And none of the family doctors could recognize it... :facepalm: :irked:
They didn't even order me blood tests for mycoplasma!!!! :rant:
Only one doctor prescribed me an antibiotic for it, without any specific tests, 'cause in her opinion it would take too long.
But it started to help! So I'm gratful to her!
It's a bacteria that act like a virus... :irked:

OMG, really? :eek: A bacteria that acts like a virus? That's gotta be uncomfortable. :(

Those doctors screwed up, it seems. :( I'm glad that one doctor was able to help you. :hug: So everything is all better now? Are you still taking the pills and the nasal spray?


Originally Posted by Jemima668 (Post 105542260)
So now imagine how I would feel around someone taller than you... :lmao:

TOTALLY!!! :eek:
Marty was probably under a lot of stress all that time... :bawl:
Poor him, poor Jennifer. :(

Yes it was. :(
I didn't know about it when I was younger. I found out years later.

Yeah, maybe you're right. But still... :lol:

:angel: :melt: :love: :P

Sometimes when I really don't know how to comment something I said simple Eh... :lol:

Yeah, I wish! :lol:
Short time... It doesn't sound very optimistic. :lol: ;)

Yeah, you have a point. :lol:

Well, Marty had just found out that his mom was married to Biff and his dad was dead in this alternate timeline, so I guess he was kinda stressed. I'm just glad that nothing happened to Jennifer while she was asleep. That alternate timeline was a rough neighborhood.

Yeah, I didn't find out about it until years later. :( I assumed that actress just decided she didn't want to return.

Well, Marty's kid wasn't too bright either. :lol:

It's okay. :lol:

Well, unless Marty learned to change his style to something more 90s after being an 80s rock star. :lol:

Jemima1205 02-24-2022 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 105926974)
Okay, I'm reposting this from the previous thread. This is my reply to Jem. :)

OMG, Jem, why did you reply on the old thread when I said I was making a new one? :facepalm: :lol: And right when I started the new one? :thud: Okay, now I'm gonna have to repost your reply as well.

Sorry! :angel: :lol:

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 105926974)
Hi, Jem! :hug: Glad to see you back! Don't worry, take all the time you need to reply. :hug:

I'm sorry you've been feeling so bad. :( And I know, I can't stand what's happening in Ukraine either. :bawl: I'm half Ukrainian. :(

Thanks, Alex! :hug:

Oh yes, you are! OMG! :hug: :hug: :hug: :bawl:

BL.Arinna_1982 02-25-2022 03:38 PM

Please come here more often? :hug:

Jemima1205 02-25-2022 06:31 PM

I'll try! :daisy: :bunny: :back_hug:

PhoenixRising 02-25-2022 09:59 PM

Hi, Jem! :wave: :hug:

It's okay. :lol: And thanks. :hug: Yes, I've never been to Ukraine, and everyone on my mom's side of the family is dead except for her, so I don't have any relatives over there, but it still hurts to see this happening. :(

BL.Arinna_1982 02-26-2022 03:36 PM

Thank you, Jem! :hug:

PhoenixRising 02-26-2022 09:38 PM

I hope Jem answers soon. :lol:

BL.Arinna_1982 02-27-2022 03:09 PM

I hope she does.

PhoenixRising 02-27-2022 05:33 PM

She will. :nod:

BL.Arinna_1982 02-28-2022 03:37 PM


PhoenixRising 02-28-2022 06:57 PM

Three more weeks until Spring. :sun:

BL.Arinna_1982 03-01-2022 03:31 PM

... and counting...

PhoenixRising 03-01-2022 07:03 PM

It's almost here, Arinna. :hug:

BL.Arinna_1982 03-02-2022 03:42 PM

Now, I'm in conflicted situation here, because... tomorrow we're going to celebrate the Bulgaria's Freedom Day, which only happened because of the Russian-Turkish war... Basically Russia freed us that day a hundred and something years ago and now... in the current situation I am not feeling comfortable to say that in front of the world. I'm afraid that the western countries will try and change the events in our history. I mean, they already called that day the Russian invasion in Bulgaria, but it was actually their response after our cry for help. Bulgaria was under Turkish Slavery for 500 years prior and the Russian army basically freed us on that day after a long year of fighting and losing thousands of soldiers in Bulgarian soil.

Our heroes are titled as "terrorists" for the Western Culture and politics.
The Turkish Empire was changed for the Ottoman Empire, although they are the same.
The Russian help back then is called an invasion...

And when I am talking about Russia, I mean Russia back then, which has nothing in common with Russia today. But people would still try and brainwash the Bulgarians, just like we were robbed of our territories back then and never gotten back. It makes me angry, you know?

Ok, rant over.

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